What a busy 3 weeks it ends up being between Alexa's birthday and Christmas. What have we been up to that's kept us busy? Well it is basketball season so Chris has had games to referee and then watch on tv when he gets home. We've had Kids Klub, Girl Scouts, and guitar lessons. Christmas shopping and baking. We attended a Toy for Tots Christmas party at the Hahn Center. It was very hard to get Jake to understand that the toys under the tree were not for him to help himself to. Liz enjoyed dancing to the music, while Alexa enjoyed hanging out with the musicians.
We also attended a Christmas party at the Blaine House. This is the first time we've been up there since Chris left office. He ran into many people who seemed glad to see him. But they are politicians so it can be hard to tell what's real and what's phony. The kids had a wonderful time! The theme was gingerbread houses and fairies. And the people that decorated the house did a super job. The fairy houses were just amazing - and my girls love fairy houses!

They fully enjoyed the snacks and were very careful with the fancy glasses of punch.

Alexa stalked to Governor until she could get her picture taken with him.

The only real incident ended up being when Jake accidentally broke the cover to a candy dish. He was reaching over the girls, who were petting the Baldacci's dogs, a chair and past a lamp. It crashed to the floor and he ran in the other direction crying. Of course Chris had been talking to the First Lady, who immediately got on the floor to start picking up pieces. And I ran after Jake, getting stopped by staffer to see what was the matter. Then she rushed to do the dirty work, which was pretty much done. Poor kid. But at least he's young enough to forget about it! Sadly, though they would have been wonderful pictures, there wasn't time...
But we did get these on the way out: a nice one of the kids plus a family shot, first one in 2 or 3 years.

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