Sunday, August 19, 2012

once upon a time it was summer vacation

Summer has passed in a blur. maybe I am rushing it a little bit.  It's not really the end of summer till sometime in September.  And the weather is still absolutely beautiful most days.  The garden is flourishing, thankfully with a bit more produce then weeds.

I suppose it just feels like it's over because I've gone back to work full-time to help get ready for the new school year.  And school for the kids is just a little over a week away and soccer sign-ups are this week.  All signs of the end of summer vacation.

So what'd we do with ourselves this summer?

We spent the majority of July with our French au-pair M.  That was a wonderful experience for the most part.  Will we stay in touch?  It's not seeming likely.  She's busy moving on with her life and the age gap between my kids and her, not to mention between myself and her, makes having common interests unlikely.

We also did swimming lessons twice a week.  I have 2 fish and one kid that will wade into the water up to his waist.  He will go deeper but be prepared to have him squeeze your neck so hard you have trouble breathing, never a good thing when combined with water.

Blueberry Cove was a possibility this summer thanks to a camp scholarship from Lee Auto.  The kids had a blast and were begging to go back for another week.  Not happening at nearly $200 per kid though!  The twins loved the little frog pond, Alexa loved that she got to bake some bread with fresh herbs and seasonings.  She also caught a caterpillar that successfully became a butterfly.  It was a good thing it quickly went into chyrsalis mode because I wasn't looking forward to hunting down fresh mint every few days for it.

There was also field hockey, the Kendrick family party, beach trips, hours spent outside running around, a day long trip to the Union Fair, movies and living room sleepovers.  Overall a successful summer vacation.  The kids are stuck in daycare for the last week of it but hopefully they'll have as much fun as they can.  Cause in just 10 days (11 for the twins) it's off to school - 3rd grade and kindergarten x2!

Jacob's milestones

  • weight/length @ 7: 55.6lbs, 48.75"
  • weight/length @ 5: 42lbs, 43.5"
  • weight/length @ 4: 36 lbs, 39+"
  • weight/length@ 3: 32lbs, 36.5 inches
  • weight/length @ 2 years: 26lbs, 33.5 inches
  • weight/length @ 1 year: 18lbs, 29 inches
  • walking: 11/17/08
  • standing: 3/31/08
  • crawling: army, 2/5/08
  • first time rolling: 9/30/07, belly to back
  • first smile: 9/7/07
  • birth date/time: 7/8/07, 12:49am
  • birth length: 19.5 inches
  • birth weight: 6lbs, 1oz

Elizabeth's milestones

  • weight/length @7: 53lbs, 47.75"
  • weight/length @ 5: 40 lbs, 42.25"
  • weight/length @ 4: 34lbs, 38"
  • weight/length 3 years: 28lbs, 35.5 inches
  • weight/length 2 years: 24lbs, 6oz 33 inches
  • weight/length 1 year: 18lbs, 1oz 27.5 inches
  • walking: 9/1/08
  • standing: 4/4/08
  • crawling: army 3/16/08
  • sitting alone: 2/29/08
  • first time rolling: 11/23/07, back to belly
  • first smile: 9/7/07
  • birth date/time: 7/8/07, 12:50am
  • birth length: 18.75 inches
  • birth weight: 5lbs, 8oz

Alexa's milestones

  • weight/height @ 10 (really 10.8): 186, 5'3"
  • weight/height @ 8.4 years: 113 lbs, 55.5 inches
  • weight/height @ 5 years: 61lbs, 4oz 45.25 inches
  • weight/length @ 4 years: 49lbs, 42 inches
  • weight/length @ 3 years: 38lbs, 38 inches
  • weight/length @ 2 years: 32lbs, 8oz 35.75 inches
  • weight/length @ 1 year: 22lbs, 3 oz 29.5 inches
  • 1st day of preschool: 9/3/08
  • solo somersault: 3/4/08
  • whistling: 3/2/08
  • potty training: 10/7/05
  • walking: 12/21/04
  • standing: 8/23/04
  • crawling: 8/21/04, only a week, then became a butt scoot
  • first wave: 7/27/04
  • rolling: 5/2/04, belly to back
  • sleeping thru the night: 3/1/04
  • first smile: 1/20/04
  • birth date/time: 12/4/03, 10:41pm
  • birth length: 20 inches
  • birth weight: 7lbs