One week till J and E turn 1. Just a mere 7 days. As far as I am concerned we have survived the first year. We went out yesterday to have their one year pictures done. They came out good however it was a lot of work. Jake ended up being a bit cranky (with 3 teeth coming in I'd be cranky too I suppose). But cheerios did the trick! Here's one of can view the others on the photo website. Elaine made their outfits for me as my birthday gift to them.

This morning we took the seats out of the van and Chris took a van load of boxes up to Friendship. Now I need to work on getting more boxes and start doing some more packing! I've cleaned out everyone's drawers except Chris so that we have enough clothes for this week. I arranged to get the Uhaul a day early so that we can get loaded and still have some time to relax on party day.
I baked about 30 cupcakes last night and need to do another 30 to make up for ones eaten and have enough for everyone. I've got to get them in the freezer so that I can keep Alexa out of them - she loves them even without frosting!
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