While Jake and Liz were quite eager to hop into their beds at naptime it became clear very quickly that there wouldn't be any sleeping going on. Between the giggles and shrieks of joy came the sounds of dragging.
Inside their room I found chaos as they once again decided to play decorator. Their new naptime game is to drag their toddler beds around the room. I suppose I should be glad that they aren't actually removing the mattresses and taking the beds completely apart. (note to self - do not leave tools with them!).
They are a bit younger than Alexa was when she gave up a daily nap. And come evening I can tell that they probably should have had one. But it's not like I can just go and knock them out. The tools are there - comfortable beds, darkness, quiet. Some days Liz will snooze while Jake chatters away. Other days it'll be Jake that is sleeping.
One plus to no nap is that they go to bed early and easy. It gets very quiet around here after 6:30!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
germs + age = evil
Having 3 kids with one in school means you are exposed to lots of germs. Chris's job exposes him to lots - both at the hotel and when he's referring or umpiring. I try to be careful about where we go, what we do, and when we do it mostly because of Jacob. With his asthma a cold can turn into trouble quickly, especially if I've managed to fall behind on his daily meds. Which I don't intentionally do but it's hard when you've got to manage 4 people, majority under age.
This past week started off decent enough. We did start it a bit tired due to traveling to see friends for superbowl Sunday. Tuesday Alexa started complaining about a sore throat. I didn't really think much of it given that I wake up every morning with a sore throat. It's just part of living in Maine in the winter right?
Not right in this case. Wednesday morning rolled around and she had a worse sore throat plus a fever of over 100 which meant no school. I really wanted her to go. She really wanted to go. I tried giving motrin to bring it down but she was such a sad sight there was no way she was going anywhere but the doctor's office. We dropped the twins off to Nokomi and headed for the new office. Which was chaotic given that our doc went from a practice of 3 (himself, a nurse, and receptionist) to one with 4 docs and all their staff just 2 days earlier.
Sure enough a quick exam plus throat swab revealed strep. Great. Super contagious germ bug, welcome to my home. We went to the store to get her meds and a few groceries, gathered up the twins and eventually arrived home. She spent the rest of the day in bed. By the miracle of good drugs she was back to herself by Thursday morning but not allowed to return to school until she'd been on her antibiotic 24 hours. I was never quite so happy to see Friday. She was bummed about all the fun stuff she missed and she really didn't want to miss the V-day celebration.
Thankfully the twins seem to be holding their own. Can't say the same for myself though. I spent Thursday and Friday just a bit more tired than usual. Started developing a bit of a sore throat prior to bedtime but it was also pretty dry.
I woke up Saturday morning ready to die. Mildly feverish and unable to swallow. It all went downhill from there. Thankfully the doctor on-call didn't make me come in. But 3 days later I sort of wish he'd given me better medication. I spent Saturday and Sunday in a feverish coma. The colder I was, the higher the fever, complete with shakes, swollen glands, and the worst headache. Only this evening am I starting to feel a bit like myself. Throat still a bit sore and glands still irritated but I at least had some energy to make dinner, wash a few dishes, and put away some laundry.
Ahhh...if I only I could figure out how to get my hands on some of Alexa's energy and recover-ability. Because being sick as an adult isn't fun. I'm grateful that Chris was around to help out despite having to work the overnight both Friday and Saturday. Who knows where we would all be without him. It's not like anyone else wanted to come near us...not that I can really blame them.
This past week started off decent enough. We did start it a bit tired due to traveling to see friends for superbowl Sunday. Tuesday Alexa started complaining about a sore throat. I didn't really think much of it given that I wake up every morning with a sore throat. It's just part of living in Maine in the winter right?
Not right in this case. Wednesday morning rolled around and she had a worse sore throat plus a fever of over 100 which meant no school. I really wanted her to go. She really wanted to go. I tried giving motrin to bring it down but she was such a sad sight there was no way she was going anywhere but the doctor's office. We dropped the twins off to Nokomi and headed for the new office. Which was chaotic given that our doc went from a practice of 3 (himself, a nurse, and receptionist) to one with 4 docs and all their staff just 2 days earlier.
Sure enough a quick exam plus throat swab revealed strep. Great. Super contagious germ bug, welcome to my home. We went to the store to get her meds and a few groceries, gathered up the twins and eventually arrived home. She spent the rest of the day in bed. By the miracle of good drugs she was back to herself by Thursday morning but not allowed to return to school until she'd been on her antibiotic 24 hours. I was never quite so happy to see Friday. She was bummed about all the fun stuff she missed and she really didn't want to miss the V-day celebration.
Thankfully the twins seem to be holding their own. Can't say the same for myself though. I spent Thursday and Friday just a bit more tired than usual. Started developing a bit of a sore throat prior to bedtime but it was also pretty dry.
I woke up Saturday morning ready to die. Mildly feverish and unable to swallow. It all went downhill from there. Thankfully the doctor on-call didn't make me come in. But 3 days later I sort of wish he'd given me better medication. I spent Saturday and Sunday in a feverish coma. The colder I was, the higher the fever, complete with shakes, swollen glands, and the worst headache. Only this evening am I starting to feel a bit like myself. Throat still a bit sore and glands still irritated but I at least had some energy to make dinner, wash a few dishes, and put away some laundry.
Ahhh...if I only I could figure out how to get my hands on some of Alexa's energy and recover-ability. Because being sick as an adult isn't fun. I'm grateful that Chris was around to help out despite having to work the overnight both Friday and Saturday. Who knows where we would all be without him. It's not like anyone else wanted to come near us...not that I can really blame them.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Life Clock
I spent part of this evening going through an old box of cards, letters and other misc papers. Not paperwork that is way overdo for filing (that is in a separate box out of sight), but rather a collection of items from junior high and high school.
I learned a few things about myself. One is that I have always been a bit of a pack rat. I don't really think I need to keep my old high school library cards, what sort of sentimental value do those really have? The other is that I had a lot of male pen pals as a young teen. Not sure what my parents were thinking!
I'm not really sure why but much of my childhood is hidden behind a bank of fog. I will remember a few memories here and there but so much just seems to be gone. Maybe someday I can spend some quality time with a therapist to figure out why that is. But I did enjoy reading what I had saved. Especially some letters written by my father back in 1992 when he was in jail for growing too much weed. He's much better at presenting his feelings on paper, although he has improved at doing so verbally over the years.
The item that made me laugh the hardest was a life clock worksheet that I completed on May 13, 1992. I'm fairly sure I was in the 8th grade at that time.
Infant years: Apparently I learned to read at 3. I always knew I started school at 4 because I was always younger than my peers, curse of a September birthday.
School years: Rode my bike without training wheels at 7. Now I guess I shouldn't have given Alexa such a hard time because she accomplished it at 5. The other notable occurrence is getting my license at 16.
Work years: This is where real life totally diverges from what I had "planned". I was supposed to start my career, although what it would be isn't stated, at 26. I'd buy my first used car at 27 (who was buying them for me the last 11 years?). I was going to get married at 29 and buy my first new car at 31. This would be followed by a house purchase at 32, first kid at 33, and second at 36. I'm going to become a grandparent at 53 (most likely earlier given my oldest was born in '03). My mom is scheduled to pass when I am 64 with my dad surviving till I was 70. I would have been retired from my career 5 years at that point. My husband will die at 90, and apparently I will expire at the ripe old age of 92.
Real life version of the work years: Never really had any sort of "career". Worked a lot of jobs until the twins arrived. Finally finished college for good at 25. Married at 23, first kid at 25, second and third kid at 29. I can't even recall all the used cars I've bought for myself and sadly a new house or car are not in the foreseeable future. I guess for now I will continue on the path I am on and just try to be the best mom I can be!
I learned a few things about myself. One is that I have always been a bit of a pack rat. I don't really think I need to keep my old high school library cards, what sort of sentimental value do those really have? The other is that I had a lot of male pen pals as a young teen. Not sure what my parents were thinking!
I'm not really sure why but much of my childhood is hidden behind a bank of fog. I will remember a few memories here and there but so much just seems to be gone. Maybe someday I can spend some quality time with a therapist to figure out why that is. But I did enjoy reading what I had saved. Especially some letters written by my father back in 1992 when he was in jail for growing too much weed. He's much better at presenting his feelings on paper, although he has improved at doing so verbally over the years.
The item that made me laugh the hardest was a life clock worksheet that I completed on May 13, 1992. I'm fairly sure I was in the 8th grade at that time.
Infant years: Apparently I learned to read at 3. I always knew I started school at 4 because I was always younger than my peers, curse of a September birthday.
School years: Rode my bike without training wheels at 7. Now I guess I shouldn't have given Alexa such a hard time because she accomplished it at 5. The other notable occurrence is getting my license at 16.
Work years: This is where real life totally diverges from what I had "planned". I was supposed to start my career, although what it would be isn't stated, at 26. I'd buy my first used car at 27 (who was buying them for me the last 11 years?). I was going to get married at 29 and buy my first new car at 31. This would be followed by a house purchase at 32, first kid at 33, and second at 36. I'm going to become a grandparent at 53 (most likely earlier given my oldest was born in '03). My mom is scheduled to pass when I am 64 with my dad surviving till I was 70. I would have been retired from my career 5 years at that point. My husband will die at 90, and apparently I will expire at the ripe old age of 92.
Real life version of the work years: Never really had any sort of "career". Worked a lot of jobs until the twins arrived. Finally finished college for good at 25. Married at 23, first kid at 25, second and third kid at 29. I can't even recall all the used cars I've bought for myself and sadly a new house or car are not in the foreseeable future. I guess for now I will continue on the path I am on and just try to be the best mom I can be!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
2nd quarter
I find it hard to believe that we are already half way through the school year. If the rest of those years fly by then graduation from high school will be here long before I am ready for it!
And of course with the end of a quarter comes the report card. I don't know if it's just kindergarten or if they now grade all classes with something other than letter grades. She only had one area to improve and according to the teacher she has done that.

She also had a letter from the teacher just dialoging how she's been doing. It commented on her writing technique and how she views herself as a writer. The best had to be the end...and here is the quote:
"Alexa is an enthusiastic child and eager to learn. She is aware that she needs to sometimes control this eagerness and is working hard to do so. The other day when she was walking out to the bus she called back, "I'll try not to interrupt tomorrow.""
That is totally Alexa.
And of course with the end of a quarter comes the report card. I don't know if it's just kindergarten or if they now grade all classes with something other than letter grades. She only had one area to improve and according to the teacher she has done that.

She also had a letter from the teacher just dialoging how she's been doing. It commented on her writing technique and how she views herself as a writer. The best had to be the end...and here is the quote:
"Alexa is an enthusiastic child and eager to learn. She is aware that she needs to sometimes control this eagerness and is working hard to do so. The other day when she was walking out to the bus she called back, "I'll try not to interrupt tomorrow.""
That is totally Alexa.
January 2010
We started our new year off by spending it with some very good friends. That is one thing that has stunk about moving up to the midcoast - being nearly 2 hours away from our closest friends. Chris and A have been buddies since they were Alexa's age and their oldest and Alexa are just months apart in age.
Chris and A took the older kids to a Red Claws game while Mrs. A and I hung out at their house with the other three kids. We did pizza for dinner followed by a bit of Wii where I astounded everyone with my ability to pitch 94mph fastballs. The twins woke up in time to watch the ball drop and then went back to sleep. I got woken at 7am after hearing the older kids saying something about the twins finding a candy stash. Needless to say they weren't too happy when I took it away from them.
Eventually though we had to head home. We needed to beat the monster snowstorm that slammed us the entire weekend, leaving Chris stranded at the Samoset and me home with the kids. I think I probably got the better end of the deal there.
After that it was back to our regularly scheduled programming: work, school, basketball, meetings. Chris was kept very busy with his referring this winter, even managing to score some varsity games. He also came down with a very nasty cough that lasted the entire month of January. At the end of the month he was diagnosed with walking pneumonia. All I can do is say "thanks" to someone out there for him not passing the worst of it on to the rest of us. We all had minor coughs but that was it (as I knock on some wood).
Alexa has been busy at school doing writer's workshops. She's developing into quite the writer although she still needs a little work on how to actually spell the words correctly. But she's definitely creative in how she spells things. It's like her own little language - Alexaish. She's been spending Wednesday afternoons at school participating in "winter gym". I think it's great that school has this available to kids, allowing them to get a little extra exercise in. Chris helped out one week by doing a baseball segment (future recruiting for t-ball perhaps?). Alexa and I have also been busy with Girl Scouts. We attended a cookie rally and completed our first cookie selling season. She didn't do too shabby, selling 105 boxes in 2 weeks. And that didn't even involve going door-to-door. We also did our first ceremony, a combination one to welcome Alexa as a new member (and at that time the only Daisy) and celebrate all the brownies that are now juniors.
With the weather not being so nice, and germs being all about I've found myself spending most my time at home with the twins. We were visited once a week by Jake's speech therapist which added a little something to our Tuesdays. It's fun being home with them and able to see them interact with each other. They have good days where they play nicely either together or on their own. Then they also have days that they are 2 year old demons and they destroy the place and fight for toys/attention/tv remote.
And now onto February which will bring a vacation week, a superbowl trip, lots of Girl Scout activities, and some fun (and maybe a few tears).
Chris and A took the older kids to a Red Claws game while Mrs. A and I hung out at their house with the other three kids. We did pizza for dinner followed by a bit of Wii where I astounded everyone with my ability to pitch 94mph fastballs. The twins woke up in time to watch the ball drop and then went back to sleep. I got woken at 7am after hearing the older kids saying something about the twins finding a candy stash. Needless to say they weren't too happy when I took it away from them.
Eventually though we had to head home. We needed to beat the monster snowstorm that slammed us the entire weekend, leaving Chris stranded at the Samoset and me home with the kids. I think I probably got the better end of the deal there.
After that it was back to our regularly scheduled programming: work, school, basketball, meetings. Chris was kept very busy with his referring this winter, even managing to score some varsity games. He also came down with a very nasty cough that lasted the entire month of January. At the end of the month he was diagnosed with walking pneumonia. All I can do is say "thanks" to someone out there for him not passing the worst of it on to the rest of us. We all had minor coughs but that was it (as I knock on some wood).
Alexa has been busy at school doing writer's workshops. She's developing into quite the writer although she still needs a little work on how to actually spell the words correctly. But she's definitely creative in how she spells things. It's like her own little language - Alexaish. She's been spending Wednesday afternoons at school participating in "winter gym". I think it's great that school has this available to kids, allowing them to get a little extra exercise in. Chris helped out one week by doing a baseball segment (future recruiting for t-ball perhaps?). Alexa and I have also been busy with Girl Scouts. We attended a cookie rally and completed our first cookie selling season. She didn't do too shabby, selling 105 boxes in 2 weeks. And that didn't even involve going door-to-door. We also did our first ceremony, a combination one to welcome Alexa as a new member (and at that time the only Daisy) and celebrate all the brownies that are now juniors.
With the weather not being so nice, and germs being all about I've found myself spending most my time at home with the twins. We were visited once a week by Jake's speech therapist which added a little something to our Tuesdays. It's fun being home with them and able to see them interact with each other. They have good days where they play nicely either together or on their own. Then they also have days that they are 2 year old demons and they destroy the place and fight for toys/attention/tv remote.
And now onto February which will bring a vacation week, a superbowl trip, lots of Girl Scout activities, and some fun (and maybe a few tears).
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Jacob's milestones
- weight/length @ 7: 55.6lbs, 48.75"
- weight/length @ 5: 42lbs, 43.5"
- weight/length @ 4: 36 lbs, 39+"
- weight/length@ 3: 32lbs, 36.5 inches
- weight/length @ 2 years: 26lbs, 33.5 inches
- weight/length @ 1 year: 18lbs, 29 inches
- walking: 11/17/08
- standing: 3/31/08
- crawling: army, 2/5/08
- first time rolling: 9/30/07, belly to back
- first smile: 9/7/07
- birth date/time: 7/8/07, 12:49am
- birth length: 19.5 inches
- birth weight: 6lbs, 1oz
Elizabeth's milestones
- weight/length @7: 53lbs, 47.75"
- weight/length @ 5: 40 lbs, 42.25"
- weight/length @ 4: 34lbs, 38"
- weight/length 3 years: 28lbs, 35.5 inches
- weight/length 2 years: 24lbs, 6oz 33 inches
- weight/length 1 year: 18lbs, 1oz 27.5 inches
- walking: 9/1/08
- standing: 4/4/08
- crawling: army 3/16/08
- sitting alone: 2/29/08
- first time rolling: 11/23/07, back to belly
- first smile: 9/7/07
- birth date/time: 7/8/07, 12:50am
- birth length: 18.75 inches
- birth weight: 5lbs, 8oz
Alexa's milestones
- weight/height @ 10 (really 10.8): 186, 5'3"
- weight/height @ 8.4 years: 113 lbs, 55.5 inches
- weight/height @ 5 years: 61lbs, 4oz 45.25 inches
- weight/length @ 4 years: 49lbs, 42 inches
- weight/length @ 3 years: 38lbs, 38 inches
- weight/length @ 2 years: 32lbs, 8oz 35.75 inches
- weight/length @ 1 year: 22lbs, 3 oz 29.5 inches
- 1st day of preschool: 9/3/08
- solo somersault: 3/4/08
- whistling: 3/2/08
- potty training: 10/7/05
- walking: 12/21/04
- standing: 8/23/04
- crawling: 8/21/04, only a week, then became a butt scoot
- first wave: 7/27/04
- rolling: 5/2/04, belly to back
- sleeping thru the night: 3/1/04
- first smile: 1/20/04
- birth date/time: 12/4/03, 10:41pm
- birth length: 20 inches
- birth weight: 7lbs