We started off with a weekend family trip to Boston. We were supposed to go camping but the weather forecast didn't look very promising (rain, rain, rain). Everyone had a good time and got to see a lot of sights. The biggest hit by far was the zoo. The kids loved all the animals and we were able to catch up with some friends (meeting for the first time after talking for nearly 3 years online!).

waiting for the next ferry back to Boston
After that is what school prep week. Alexa had her screening and open house. The open house was...interesting. My dad and stepmom came over to watch the twins so that Alexa and I could partake in our 2 minute bus ride to school. We got to listen to the driver and her rules before heading into school. Once inside we were shuffled to the library and had to sit in tiny chairs and listen to the principal while the kids got to play with the teacher.
watching the wrong way for the bus

The first week was just a half day followed by all day the second week. The twins love seeing her get on the bus. And are always happy to see her when she gets home. Most days she's happy to go although there have been a few "I don't wanna go" ones. One day she had started cutting her project before listening to directions. She was terrified the next day that she'd get in big trouble and "have to sit like Cole did". Turns out that Cole was being more than a little naughty that day...hence a time out of sorts. I think she learned from that lesson.
She's also doing soccer which has mostly been Chris's responsibility. I did suck it up and take her this past Wednesday to practice. Jake wouldn't leave the car and Liz wanted to play soccer with the big kids. Once I finally was able to pry Jake from the car (without fits) and go watch her practice the skies opened up on us and we had to run for the car. Everyone ran except one. Alexa took her sweet time wandering back in, stopping to pick clover along the way. She kept saying on the way home how her coach kept waving - no kidding...he was waving you in!
We also celebrated several birthdays in September although most of them were away and so could only send birthday wishes. Mine was a quiet one, just the way I like it). I did get a delicious Blizzard cake from DQ (made with my favorite - chocolate extreme).
We also had a wedding! My little brother married his longtime girlfriend and I was lucky enough to be asked to officiate. From what I saw it was a beautiful ceremony. The reception was bit chilly once the sun went down but thankfully hot soup was on the menu. We did stay for some of the dancing but forgot to get some cake. Just as well...there were so many other goodies to snack on. Jake did get to taste the frosting before the reception - that naughty boy stuck his fingers right in. Alexa made some friends and her and Liz both had fun dancing. Jake kept trying to sneak in the bathroom to turn the sinks on.
Overall a busy start to fall. And if the next few months go as fast as this last one I'd better get going on plans for the holidays and Alexa's 6th birthday!
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