I was working on getting everyone ready to go this morning. Breakfast was done and Alexa was in the shower so she'd be clean for school. Liz and Jake were wandering around as they usually do. I got out clothes for them to wear. I had just set them down when I heard a dish crash down. Thought that was strange because Lex was in the shower.
Turns out Jake knocked it over. He used the footstool he'd seen Alexa standing on to reach up onto the counter and pulled a cereal bowl down. Then managed to crawl over it/next to it. When I grabbed him he seemed fine. It was when I got back to the living room that I discovered his big toe bleeding...a lot. As I tried to stop that I quickly checked the rest of him over and discovered a tear in his pjs at the leg - a nice 2 inch gash next to the knee.
Not knowing what else to do since no one was answering their phones I called 911. Apparently the FD across the street isn't staffed unless needed so they had to arrive then some of the EMTs walked over.
A bandaid for the toe and a few stitches at the knee. I'm not really sure how many because I wasn't watching. I was trying to keep my poor baby calm while he screamed. Not in pain (at least I don't think) but because he had to be restrained while the doctor did his thing.
This makes the 3rd ER visit for our family since moving to Friendship - cat bite, asthma attack, cut up leg. Not to mention a visit on Wednesday to the lab at the hospital for routine bloodwork.
And here he is all bandaged up. He's quite the trooper but will be wearing sometime over the bandage so he doesn't play with it. I have to keep it clean and dry for 7-10 days until the stitches dissolve...guess that means no climbing in the shower for him. And it's extra bulky to give him some padding for crawling.
And the lesson learned - keep the kitchen door shut unless I am in there. Or at the very least keep the counters clear and stools away.

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