A few posts back I made a comment on my mother thinking I was crazy. She just might have had a view into the future. Or personal experience. Because lately I think I am going crazy. Not so crazy that I'd hurt anyone/thing. But crazy enough that my doctor is now recommending a therapist and perhaps some meds if the therapist isn't enough. I knew kids could drive you to drink/use recreational drugs. I should have realized they could also drive you to legal prescribed drugs.
Some might say - oh, come on...it can't really be that bad can it? When you find yourself alternating between shooting flames/lightening bolts or crying over every little thing, you just might want to call your doctor.
The doctor gave me some advice. One was to decompress my responsibilities. The other was to learn to say no. Not just to say no, but to say no and mean it. I started to protest and say that I can say no. I guess that's where the "mean it" part comes in. Because I am a pushover. I will often do my best to avoid conflict by being wishy/washy. Or I cave if enough pressure is applied. Or I go all psycho-mama, which isn't pretty.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
the break
I've managed to go nearly 32 years without breaking any bones, although I've gotten plenty of sprains. My first major surgery wasn't till I was 28, my c-section with the twins.
My oldest however managed to do the first break at age 6. The end result of a playground accident while camping. Apparently dad wasn't quick enough to say "I don't think that's the smartest idea" or she was just too quick at leaping off.
We finished our family mini-vacation with a 2 hour trip to the ER. Loads of fun anytime, but especially fun with 2 little kids who haven't had lunch or napped. The dirty looks in the waiting room, the comments about them being careful (when sitting on Alexa's "bed" in the hallway). The heat. The irritability on the parts of all involved.
The diagnosis: greenstick fracture. Apparently kids bones are like new tree limbs. When enough pressure is applied one side will break, while the other bends.
We eventually escaped, some to go home, some to go to a work meeting. Our instructions were to ice, elevate, and call the orthopedic doctor in the morning.

That call resulted in an early morning appointment on Wednesday, despite my begging for one that day. I got my cousin to watch the twins and friend so that I didn't have to haul them along. We arrived the requested 15 minutes early to fill out paperwork. In no time at all we were done. The hardest part - picking out a cast color. She gets to spend the next 3 weeks in it. Then we go for an x-ray and hopefully that'll be it.

Or so we thought. I ended up having to make an emergency run back to the doctor that afternoon when Alexa's fingers started to swell. They ended up replacing it with a waterproof variety. I've yet to test it out after hearing all sorts of unpleasant things about odor and what it does to the skin underneath. We're saving the big test for Aunt D's pool on the 24th.
My oldest however managed to do the first break at age 6. The end result of a playground accident while camping. Apparently dad wasn't quick enough to say "I don't think that's the smartest idea" or she was just too quick at leaping off.
We finished our family mini-vacation with a 2 hour trip to the ER. Loads of fun anytime, but especially fun with 2 little kids who haven't had lunch or napped. The dirty looks in the waiting room, the comments about them being careful (when sitting on Alexa's "bed" in the hallway). The heat. The irritability on the parts of all involved.
The diagnosis: greenstick fracture. Apparently kids bones are like new tree limbs. When enough pressure is applied one side will break, while the other bends.
We eventually escaped, some to go home, some to go to a work meeting. Our instructions were to ice, elevate, and call the orthopedic doctor in the morning.

That call resulted in an early morning appointment on Wednesday, despite my begging for one that day. I got my cousin to watch the twins and friend so that I didn't have to haul them along. We arrived the requested 15 minutes early to fill out paperwork. In no time at all we were done. The hardest part - picking out a cast color. She gets to spend the next 3 weeks in it. Then we go for an x-ray and hopefully that'll be it.
Or so we thought. I ended up having to make an emergency run back to the doctor that afternoon when Alexa's fingers started to swell. They ended up replacing it with a waterproof variety. I've yet to test it out after hearing all sorts of unpleasant things about odor and what it does to the skin underneath. We're saving the big test for Aunt D's pool on the 24th.
Becoming one with nature?
After much back and forth, saying yes and then no (and starting to feel a bit like a Katie Perry song), we finally made the big decision - to go camping over the 4th of July weekend. Our friends have been coming up the last few years and are always asking us to join them.
The decision probably would have been a lot easier if not for a few factors. One being the three night requirement for holiday weekends. I wasn't too sure I wanted to shell out $40-45 per night if it was going be torture. Plus Chris was stuck working the overnight shift on Friday and Saturday. So if we did stay the three nights I would have spent two of them by myself. Well...the only adult anyways.Saturday morning the kids and I headed out to the parade. Then we had lunch and ice cream before coming home again. It was on the way home that inspiration struck - perhaps with the weekend already under way they'd waive the nightly requirement.
They were willing to make it a two-night stay. And since we were going to be out that way and up late for fireworks anyways I said "let's do it!". I booked the site, handed out the credit card number, and then began the quickest packing job ever. I kept a running mental list and think I did fairly well at getting the basics. Chris arrived home from baseball, showered, and then we hit the road as a 2 car caravan, going the 45 min to the campground with a stop at McD's for dinner.
We got checked in and then got to work on the tent. Our friends ended up being just three sites down from us. Which was good and bad. Good because they were close. Bad because the twins, Jake in particular, felt he could dart from site to site without telling anyone. One minute he was there, the next he was gone. The best was when he tried to go into the tent of the site before ours. That's when some older lady from NH spoke harshly with me about keeping "him out of our site". I know it's not proper camping etiquette to cut through sites and enter others' tents. But he's a little boy on his first camping trip.
The fireworks were a big hit. The look of wonder on the faces of the twins made staying out that late totally worth it. Getting settled back at the tent was a bit of work. Alexa slept with our friends kids, and Chris worked, so it was just me and the twins. They had no interest in sleeping in their own bags so we spread them out to make one bed. Then they each cuddled up under an arm, Liz wiggling away, Jake first asking to go home and then later muttering under his breath. Eventually all was silent until sunrise.
We had breakfast with our friends and then went our separate ways. Chris to sleep, the friends to hike, me back home with the kids to get the extra sleeping bag, sleeping mats, coffee mugs and a few other forgotten cooking/eating items (plus a shower for myself). When we got back we had lunch, just hanging out at the site till everyone else came back/got up. The kids had fun wandering around the little woods near us, gathering sticks and leaves for the fire. Eventually we ended up at the pool while the dads went golfing.
The pool. It was pure nastiness for adults but joy for kids. The water had to be at least 80 degrees or more. It was more refreshing to get out of the pool and feel some cool breezes than to actually be in the pool. Not for kids though, to them it was heaven. After 2 hours I had had enough and judging by grumpiness so had the twins. We did the playground for a bit before heading back to our tent to change. Then we took a ride to see if a short nap would come about.
Night 2: Involved us doing hot dogs and burgers for dinner. Then the moms got to head out to the movies (and AC) while the dads (and friend) had smores/bedtime duty. We were all settled down and snoozing by 11pm, spread out on the mats with sleeping bags all over. At some point it started to rain but it didn't seem to bother anyone.
I was the first to rise and hike to the bathroom. Eventually everyone else woke on their own, except Chris. Then it was time to get breakfast under way. We decided to eat at our friends' site but do some cooking at ours. We ended up with a feast of bacon, sausage, eggs, pancakes, juice, coffee, and donuts. Then it was back to our site and time to start the packing process to be out by 11am. Which we were!
Injury report: All kids managed to sustain some sort of injury. Jake took a tumble down the office stairs and got some road rash on his face. Liz decided to let go while swinging and got some road rash on the back. Alexa did the best job however. While I was in the shower she thought she'd show off for dad. Showing off involved leaping off the playground platform which had to be at least 5 feet high. As usual she was her "graceful" self and according to Chris, managed to catch her foot on the bar and fell, rather than jumping, to the ground. She was screaming about her wrist. We got her some ice and I called the doctor while Chris showered. We headed over the ER for an x-ray. Chris and the x-ray tech said it was a sprain, the doctor referred to it as a greenstick fracture.
So we ended our trip with a bang/crash! But it was a successful trip and we are definitely up for camping in the future.
The decision probably would have been a lot easier if not for a few factors. One being the three night requirement for holiday weekends. I wasn't too sure I wanted to shell out $40-45 per night if it was going be torture. Plus Chris was stuck working the overnight shift on Friday and Saturday. So if we did stay the three nights I would have spent two of them by myself. Well...the only adult anyways.Saturday morning the kids and I headed out to the parade. Then we had lunch and ice cream before coming home again. It was on the way home that inspiration struck - perhaps with the weekend already under way they'd waive the nightly requirement.
They were willing to make it a two-night stay. And since we were going to be out that way and up late for fireworks anyways I said "let's do it!". I booked the site, handed out the credit card number, and then began the quickest packing job ever. I kept a running mental list and think I did fairly well at getting the basics. Chris arrived home from baseball, showered, and then we hit the road as a 2 car caravan, going the 45 min to the campground with a stop at McD's for dinner.
Night 2: Involved us doing hot dogs and burgers for dinner. Then the moms got to head out to the movies (and AC) while the dads (and friend) had smores/bedtime duty. We were all settled down and snoozing by 11pm, spread out on the mats with sleeping bags all over. At some point it started to rain but it didn't seem to bother anyone.
So we ended our trip with a bang/crash! But it was a successful trip and we are definitely up for camping in the future.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
It's hard to believe that Jake and Liz are already three. They are the age that Alexa was when I found out I was pregnant. They are of an age that preschool attendance is encouraged. They are just 2 years shy of kindergarten.
When Alexa turned three it seemed to have taken forever. Time has been going by much faster this time around.
They will go for their well-child check up next week which will give us exact stats regarding height and weight. I believe Jake is 30-32 lbs while Liz would be lucky to be pushing 30.

Elizabeth: She is Liz, Lizzy-B, Bug or B-bug. I often find myself telling people who are amazed at what she does that her theory seems to be "whatever Alexa can do, I can do better". She will copy a lot of what her big sister does but definitely adds her own flair and personality to it. When she's mad she lets you know it with a lot of pouting and drama. She's prone to take herself to her room to cry by herself. She loves to cuddle, especially with her mama, burrowing one hand into the armpit, which seems to be her comfort zone. She's into playing sports - soccer and baseball. Clothing of choice any day would be a skirt or dress, even if long layers have to go underneath. She loves puppies, ponies, and just about anything princess. Favorite foods - mac & cheese, chicken nuggets, hot dogs, yogurt, cheerios, kix, blueberries, strawberries, watermelon and almost any soda. We recently put some new tires on Alexa's old Dora bike and Liz has taken to it like a duck on water. I wouldn't be all that surprised if she ditches the training wheels by the end of the summer. Favorite tv shows: Martha Speaks, Scooby Doo, Spongebob, any Barbie movies.
Jacob: He is Jake, Jay, J-Bird, or Bird. Has a love for cars, toy and real. We've had to start locking our vehicles just to keep him out. Loves to do things with his sisters, even if it means being dressed up by them. Although he does a pretty good job of dolling himself up. He loves riding his red trike and refusing to get on the 2 wheeler with training wheels. He is the book reader of the two of them, happy to be read to or just look at by himself. He has come a long way in the last year with his communication and mobility thanks to weekly speech sessions and some occupational therapy. When he's on the playground he'll go on the little slide and will swing himself, hopping off if you try to push him. Favorite foods: hot dogs, mac & cheese, bananas, apples, blueberries, strawberries, marshmallows, chicken nuggets, yogurt, nearly any kind of cracker/cookie. He does not like to drink milk by the cup except the occasional chocolate. He is very fond of cupboard raiding and has managed to bust any locks I put on them (or the fridge). Not afraid to grab a chair, drag it to a counter and use it to climb for what he seeks. He loves Mickey Mouse wherever his picture might be. Favorite tv shows: Mickey Mouse clubhouse, Martha Speaks, Spongebob, Scooby Doo.
When Alexa turned three it seemed to have taken forever. Time has been going by much faster this time around.
look who is 3!
We'll be having a celebration of their birth and Alexa's (a few months early on her part) this weekend. A gathering of our families and a few friends that we've become close to since relocating to the midcoast. A summer birthday is a good reason for a BBQ and it makes it harder to have an excuse based on bad weather for not wanting to travel!
back on St. Patrick's Day
Elizabeth: She is Liz, Lizzy-B, Bug or B-bug. I often find myself telling people who are amazed at what she does that her theory seems to be "whatever Alexa can do, I can do better". She will copy a lot of what her big sister does but definitely adds her own flair and personality to it. When she's mad she lets you know it with a lot of pouting and drama. She's prone to take herself to her room to cry by herself. She loves to cuddle, especially with her mama, burrowing one hand into the armpit, which seems to be her comfort zone. She's into playing sports - soccer and baseball. Clothing of choice any day would be a skirt or dress, even if long layers have to go underneath. She loves puppies, ponies, and just about anything princess. Favorite foods - mac & cheese, chicken nuggets, hot dogs, yogurt, cheerios, kix, blueberries, strawberries, watermelon and almost any soda. We recently put some new tires on Alexa's old Dora bike and Liz has taken to it like a duck on water. I wouldn't be all that surprised if she ditches the training wheels by the end of the summer. Favorite tv shows: Martha Speaks, Scooby Doo, Spongebob, any Barbie movies.
They are their own persons that's for sure. But they are an interesting duo and work/play together quite well when they want to. They may be heading off to preschool come fall but that will depend on whether or not I can get them toilet trained.
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Jacob's milestones
- weight/length @ 7: 55.6lbs, 48.75"
- weight/length @ 5: 42lbs, 43.5"
- weight/length @ 4: 36 lbs, 39+"
- weight/length@ 3: 32lbs, 36.5 inches
- weight/length @ 2 years: 26lbs, 33.5 inches
- weight/length @ 1 year: 18lbs, 29 inches
- walking: 11/17/08
- standing: 3/31/08
- crawling: army, 2/5/08
- first time rolling: 9/30/07, belly to back
- first smile: 9/7/07
- birth date/time: 7/8/07, 12:49am
- birth length: 19.5 inches
- birth weight: 6lbs, 1oz
Elizabeth's milestones
- weight/length @7: 53lbs, 47.75"
- weight/length @ 5: 40 lbs, 42.25"
- weight/length @ 4: 34lbs, 38"
- weight/length 3 years: 28lbs, 35.5 inches
- weight/length 2 years: 24lbs, 6oz 33 inches
- weight/length 1 year: 18lbs, 1oz 27.5 inches
- walking: 9/1/08
- standing: 4/4/08
- crawling: army 3/16/08
- sitting alone: 2/29/08
- first time rolling: 11/23/07, back to belly
- first smile: 9/7/07
- birth date/time: 7/8/07, 12:50am
- birth length: 18.75 inches
- birth weight: 5lbs, 8oz
Alexa's milestones
- weight/height @ 10 (really 10.8): 186, 5'3"
- weight/height @ 8.4 years: 113 lbs, 55.5 inches
- weight/height @ 5 years: 61lbs, 4oz 45.25 inches
- weight/length @ 4 years: 49lbs, 42 inches
- weight/length @ 3 years: 38lbs, 38 inches
- weight/length @ 2 years: 32lbs, 8oz 35.75 inches
- weight/length @ 1 year: 22lbs, 3 oz 29.5 inches
- 1st day of preschool: 9/3/08
- solo somersault: 3/4/08
- whistling: 3/2/08
- potty training: 10/7/05
- walking: 12/21/04
- standing: 8/23/04
- crawling: 8/21/04, only a week, then became a butt scoot
- first wave: 7/27/04
- rolling: 5/2/04, belly to back
- sleeping thru the night: 3/1/04
- first smile: 1/20/04
- birth date/time: 12/4/03, 10:41pm
- birth length: 20 inches
- birth weight: 7lbs