My parents and grandparents (well paternal ones) have always had huge gardens. I remember being told it was time to go out and weed, doing more than my fair share of whining over it. And as a kid I wasn't really too keen on the end result either.
One episode of weeding that sticks in my mind is the nasty spiders that were in our tomato patch. I don't recall what type they were beyond nasty. The idea was to get them on a stick and then pelt dirt, rocks, apples at them till you managed to knock them dead, all the while avoiding them actually getting to you. My phobia of spiders doesn't start there but definitely was contributed to.
In the summer of 2006 we had a small garden at the house in Gorham. In it I managed to grow lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers. Lacking in a green thumb I was very proud. I always managed to work on it in the evening or during naptime.
Last winter I talked to my aunt about the idea of taking over a bit of the garden on her father-in-law's yard. We decided to make it a "family patch". Sherm was worried about how I'd be able to garden having 3 kids.
I didn't really think it'd be that hard. Haven't gardens been being grown forever? Haven't people been having kids forever? I've been able to get into it a few times to weed (of course so much rain has made it hard to get out!). My last trip out was cut short when Alexa set the twins free from their nap and they came barreling across the lawn to me.
So I asked my dad how he did it. His response "I waited till you'd gone back to your mom's. If I wanted a garden I had to do it without you around". So I mentioned my plans to weed today plus plant a few things (I actually managed to grow a few sunflowers, a squash, and 4 watermelon plants!). He mentioned using the superyard he'd gotten us for the twins first birthday.
I hauled it out along with a wagonload of toys. My goal - to have them play nicely on the lawn. If they got out of hand they could play in the superyard. Unfortunately Alexa decided she wanted to play in the superyard. So in they all went. Then she decided she wanted out and went into the house for more toys. The entire time Jacob and Elizabeth were quite verbal about their situation. I set them free and told all 3 to play in the grass.
It wasn't long before I had company. Jake kept circling the shed. Then tried to destroy the peach tree. When I went to stop him Liz joined in. Then they ran for Sherm's house. I caught them and shooed them back towards the garden. Apparently I am not good at herding because they both booked it down Sherm's driveway. I caught Liz before she got to the road and than had to scoop Jacob out of the parsonage's yard (thankfully he didn't notice the little golfballs in their garden marking the rows). After that (and some time in the superyard for bad behavior) the girls decided to help garden. Alexa decided she needed to plant some weeds. Elizabeth's weeding method was to dig and toss dirt.
Somehow though we all survived (as did the plants). A hosing and soak in the kiddie pool got everyone fairly clean/de-mudded. I do think that I will wait till naptime, or have another adult watch them. Gardening can be peaceful and I'd like to keep it that way.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
the happy 2 year olds

Wednesday was spent quietly at home because guess what...yep it was raining. The story of our summer this year so far. I think they were actually up at the time they were born for a late night nursing session (that time being 12:49am and 12:50am). Alexa kept randomly singing happy birthday to them to which they really had no response. Chris ended up bringing home a surprise ice cream cake. Apparently they were much more interested in eating it when it was whole rather than sliced into pieces on plates to be eaten with a fork. cream cake

The skies were blue and sunny yesterday for the outdoor party we had planned. I had hoped to be cooking by 12 but 1 seemed to work out ok also. The hamburger I had put in the fridge several days prior still hadn't thawed completely and needed a little help before patties could be made. There was lots of yummy side dishes brought by friends and family and enjoyed by all.
guests enjoying lunch...guess Chris's cooking didn't kill them!
The cakes went quick. This was an area I was indecisive on for quite some time - whether to buy or make. Monday I decided to order 2 10' round. Tuesday I decided to cancel. I ended up making 2 9x13 and had maybe 1/4 of one cake left.

As for the twins accomplishments...there doesn't seem to be much that they can't get into.
Liz: very good at running, quite chatty and you can understand/figure out most of what she says. She likes to be on the go. Favorite toy is any baby doll and accessory she can get her hands on. She also loves to dress up. Favorite food, well her favorite to say is "couscous" but I don't think she actually eats much of it! I can't really think of one thing that she prefers over all else! Loves to do whatever her big sister does even if it drives Alexa nuts.
Jake: still working on the running. He's got the motions down but needs to pick up the pace. Of course he looks like he's moving faster than he really is because of the hunched shoulders, serious look on face, and pumping arms. His favorite word seems to be "mine". And it's really one of the only ones we understand. This kid cannot be without his toy cars when he is at home. He lines them up on the end table and will try to fit various items behind the steering wheel. Moving onto big cars as I caught him opening the van door yesterday and climbing in behind the driver's seat (note to self...should probably lock doors or better supervise and never leave running!). His favorite food - marshmallows. He will cram an entire one in and go looking for more, stealing bites from unsuspecting sisters if he can.
2 year stats:
Jacob: 26 lbs, 33.5 inches tall. Dr. Lew and Nurse Holly were excited that he hit the 25th percentile in both categories!
Elizabeth: 24.6 lbs, 33 inches tall. Hit 25th percentile for height but still at 10% for weight.
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Jacob's milestones
- weight/length @ 7: 55.6lbs, 48.75"
- weight/length @ 5: 42lbs, 43.5"
- weight/length @ 4: 36 lbs, 39+"
- weight/length@ 3: 32lbs, 36.5 inches
- weight/length @ 2 years: 26lbs, 33.5 inches
- weight/length @ 1 year: 18lbs, 29 inches
- walking: 11/17/08
- standing: 3/31/08
- crawling: army, 2/5/08
- first time rolling: 9/30/07, belly to back
- first smile: 9/7/07
- birth date/time: 7/8/07, 12:49am
- birth length: 19.5 inches
- birth weight: 6lbs, 1oz
Elizabeth's milestones
- weight/length @7: 53lbs, 47.75"
- weight/length @ 5: 40 lbs, 42.25"
- weight/length @ 4: 34lbs, 38"
- weight/length 3 years: 28lbs, 35.5 inches
- weight/length 2 years: 24lbs, 6oz 33 inches
- weight/length 1 year: 18lbs, 1oz 27.5 inches
- walking: 9/1/08
- standing: 4/4/08
- crawling: army 3/16/08
- sitting alone: 2/29/08
- first time rolling: 11/23/07, back to belly
- first smile: 9/7/07
- birth date/time: 7/8/07, 12:50am
- birth length: 18.75 inches
- birth weight: 5lbs, 8oz
Alexa's milestones
- weight/height @ 10 (really 10.8): 186, 5'3"
- weight/height @ 8.4 years: 113 lbs, 55.5 inches
- weight/height @ 5 years: 61lbs, 4oz 45.25 inches
- weight/length @ 4 years: 49lbs, 42 inches
- weight/length @ 3 years: 38lbs, 38 inches
- weight/length @ 2 years: 32lbs, 8oz 35.75 inches
- weight/length @ 1 year: 22lbs, 3 oz 29.5 inches
- 1st day of preschool: 9/3/08
- solo somersault: 3/4/08
- whistling: 3/2/08
- potty training: 10/7/05
- walking: 12/21/04
- standing: 8/23/04
- crawling: 8/21/04, only a week, then became a butt scoot
- first wave: 7/27/04
- rolling: 5/2/04, belly to back
- sleeping thru the night: 3/1/04
- first smile: 1/20/04
- birth date/time: 12/4/03, 10:41pm
- birth length: 20 inches
- birth weight: 7lbs